Lawton Chiles High School Advanced Placement Program Policies
The nature of advanced placement work sometimes requires that students complete assignments such as tests and writing
assignments out of class. You are expected to complete your own work without the assistance of others unless the instructor
specifically allows collaboration. Sharing your work with another student or using another student’s work as your own may
result in disciplinary action per policies of Chiles High School.
The following policies are established to ensure that you understand the seriousness of your commitment to participating
in the Chiles High School Advanced Placement Program. We want to provide the best testing environment possible;
1. You are required to take the AP exam for each AP course in which you are enrolled.
2. The exam schedule will be available to you the first week of school. It is your responsibility to plan your schedule to allow for your taking the
exam(s) on the specified date(s) and time. Students are required to take the AP exam in May. Their absence that day will count as a fieldtrip, so it will not count against them per the attendance policy.
3. Late exams will only be scheduled in emergencies.
4. If an emergency arises and you are unable to take the exam on time, you should contact the school immediately.
College Board allows make-up (alternate) exams only for certain verifiable reasons, and there may be additional costs incurred.
5. If you do not take your exam for any reason or you drop the course after the registration deadline (11/15), you will be obligated to pay the $40 fee charged by College Board. You will also be required to take a final exam with your teacher.
6. You may take the exam for any course we offer by signing up and paying the exam fee ($94.00). You must sign
up and pay for the exam in advance.
7. You are expected to notify your teachers if you will miss their classes while taking AP exams. It is your responsibility to make up any missed work according to each teacher’s requirements.
8. You are expected to give each exam your best effort. If exam proctors observe any behavior that indicates a less-than-serious effort on your part, you may be disqualified from taking further AP exams that year. If you are disqualified, you will have to pay the returned exam fee for each exam you are not allowed to take.
You are expected to abide by additional policies specified by individual teachers.
The nature of advanced placement work sometimes requires that students complete assignments such as tests and writing
assignments out of class. You are expected to complete your own work without the assistance of others unless the instructor
specifically allows collaboration. Sharing your work with another student or using another student’s work as your own may
result in disciplinary action per policies of Chiles High School.
The following policies are established to ensure that you understand the seriousness of your commitment to participating
in the Chiles High School Advanced Placement Program. We want to provide the best testing environment possible;
1. You are required to take the AP exam for each AP course in which you are enrolled.
2. The exam schedule will be available to you the first week of school. It is your responsibility to plan your schedule to allow for your taking the
exam(s) on the specified date(s) and time. Students are required to take the AP exam in May. Their absence that day will count as a fieldtrip, so it will not count against them per the attendance policy.
3. Late exams will only be scheduled in emergencies.
4. If an emergency arises and you are unable to take the exam on time, you should contact the school immediately.
College Board allows make-up (alternate) exams only for certain verifiable reasons, and there may be additional costs incurred.
5. If you do not take your exam for any reason or you drop the course after the registration deadline (11/15), you will be obligated to pay the $40 fee charged by College Board. You will also be required to take a final exam with your teacher.
6. You may take the exam for any course we offer by signing up and paying the exam fee ($94.00). You must sign
up and pay for the exam in advance.
7. You are expected to notify your teachers if you will miss their classes while taking AP exams. It is your responsibility to make up any missed work according to each teacher’s requirements.
8. You are expected to give each exam your best effort. If exam proctors observe any behavior that indicates a less-than-serious effort on your part, you may be disqualified from taking further AP exams that year. If you are disqualified, you will have to pay the returned exam fee for each exam you are not allowed to take.
You are expected to abide by additional policies specified by individual teachers.